
*MENSTRUAL CYCLE* Is it worth taking a break from your regular training schedule?

Sour dough starter
The process of fermentation used in sourdough bread not only predigest the gluten but also reduces the glycemic index of the bread, making it far more friendly to your gut and blood sugar levels. The fermentation process capable of breaking down gluten is called slow fermentation. Many sourdoughs are short-fermented sourdoughs and are made quickly with chemicals and acids that impart a soured taste without actually allowing natural yeasts and lactic acid bacteria to work through the grain.

Sourdough bread
Sourdough is an old form of bread leavening. It relies on a mix of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria that are naturally present in flour, rather than baker’s yeast, to leaven the dough.

How to build healthy habits - the healthy way
Humans are creatures of habits - by that we mean - we have our usual routine in place. We wake, eat, have coffee go to work and so on. So why is it so hard for us to form new habits? Often, we bite off more than we can chew.
The split squat
The split squat! Amazing for weeding out strength and mobility imbalances between each leg. This is my first go to exercise for those learning to squat correctly. Here pictured is Bulgarian - rear foot elevation variation.

Why you should alter your grip
In these photo’s, I’m giving just a three examples grip options in the curl; Pronated, supinated and neutral grip.
Post game recovery methods
The importance of post game recovery in sports team is now even common place knowledge at the grassroots level. Recovery by definition is the ‘return to normal state of health or strength’, which is the difference of winning and losing when you have to back up performances with only a 7 day turn around or less in team sport.

The jab & 5 common mistakes
Some common mistakes when jabbing in boxing explained here…

Can exercise help ease depression and anxiety?
Anxiety, depression and stress may all be reduced and managed with adequate exercise and proper nutrition. But with so much conflicting advice out there, how do we know where to begin?

3 mistakes you’re making when it comes to fat loss
The most common eating mistake for a fat loss goal is having a diet too low in nutrients and calories whilst being too high in carbohydrates. Sugar and carb-rich foods, like fruits, pasta’s, bread and cereals are often eaten too much

Your guide to macronutrients

Should I be taking supplements?
Plain and simple, unfortunately, the average Australian is not getting ‘adequate’ levels of nutrients from their diet. One in 5 Australians has reported effects of cardiovascular disease, one in three people have experienced cancer, one in ten kidney disease, one in 19 have diabetes, 1 in 4 have musculoskeletal conditions, 2 in 3 are obese and these numbers are only getting worse. This is what is considered “normal”. Unfortunately, we need to consider the “normal” person like Homer Simpson.

3 ways to improve your speed in football
good acceleration is a huge advantage to break away from the opposition in the game. If you have watched AFL you can see that majority of the greats from the past 10 years have all shared this attribute. Chris Judd, Lance Franklin, Gary Ablett jnr and Dustin Martin are all renowned for their short ‘break away’ speed

Omega-3 fatty acids and what it means to be essential
Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that are categorised as essential because your body cannot readily produce it – meaning it needs to come from your diet or supplementation.

Why people in “Blue Zones” are living longer

Magnesium; Good vs. Bad Mag – With Coach Edward
Magnesium is critical for optimal health, being involved in hundreds of enzymatic reactions in the body from muscular, cardiovascular, detox, and nerve function to name a few.
Keys to a strong, pain free knee – With Coach Lach
A lot of people come to us and say, “I can’t squat because my knees hurt” when in reality, your knees hurt because you can’t squat.

Top 3 Books For Training – With Coach Edward

How your cycle affects strength training
Scientific studies are exploring how fluctuations of hormones across the menstrual cycle can lead to varying outcomes in training.

Alcohol and Body Composition Goals – With Coach Alex
A few social drinks with friends and family can certainly be part of a healthy social life. It is important however to understand the facts about alcohol and the consequences it can have on your training and body composition goals.