Post game recovery methods

The importance of post game recovery in sports team is now even common place knowledge at the grassroots level. Recovery by definition is the ‘return to normal state of health or strength’, which is the difference of winning and losing when you have to back up performances with only a 7 day turn around or less in team sport.

Taking into account what is evident in the research the following strategies are some of the most effective you should be taking into consideration post game.

1. Sleep. The least exciting but most effective. All major natural recovery processes occur during sleep. From detoxification to physical muscular repair.

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2. Movement, otherwise commonly coined as ‘active recovery’. Your body has a built in pump; When you move, your muscles contract and create pressure throughout the specific limb. This creates a squeezing effect, pushing out ‘recovery prolonging by-products’ and allowing fresh blood and fluid to return in a constant manner. Try and pick movements that do not impact the joints you have just worked in the game with this strategy. For example if your game involves running, exercise bike or steady walk may be ideal.

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3. Food. Fuel is crucial for your body to repair damaged tissue, replace muscle glycogen stores and restore homeostasis at a larger level. The most important nutrients being Carbs to provide energy for the recovery process, protein to rebuild damaged tissue and micro nutrients such as magnesium, sodium and potassium which are generally depleted during intense exercise. An easy option post game could be a protein shake with a banana, followed soon after by a generous balanced meal.

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4. Hot & cold therapies. Generally there are three methods here; 1. cold only; which has great anti inflammatory benefits and stimulates good metabolism hormonal effect 2. Heat only. A big vasodilator which will again aid in blood flow, with the added benefit of the effect of heat shock proteins 3. Contrast therapy; being an alteration of hot and cold. Often seen as the most ideal as it creates a vasodilation and constriction pump effect.

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