How to build healthy habits - the healthy way

3 reasons to use fat grips whiile training (5).png

Humans are creatures of habits - by that we mean - we have our usual routine in place. We wake, eat, have coffee go to work and so on. So why is it so hard for us to form new habits? Often, we bite off more than we can chew. We wait for the New Year to roll around, we make big bold resolutions but we haven’t taken thought ahead about any planning. Good habits are formed with proper planning. The right planning can set you up for success with your new health and fitness goals.

Below are some of our most powerful tips we give to our clients to help you stay on track


We all know the importance of sleep and how it can have big impacts on your health and well-being if you aren’t getting enough. Having a routine in place that is the same every night will help to prepare you for winding down.

Try turning technology off 30 minutes before bed, having a shower or reading a book in dull lighting

Not having meals prepared is the can lead to veering of course and start over eating or over indulging . Have your meals planned ahead of time or knowing your daily meal requirements ahead of time by using a tracking app.


We find keeping a good diary a game changer. Write down everything you have eaten for that day, how much and how you felt after it. We often eat without thinking and when we see all the food written down over the course of a day - we realise just how much food we’re putting into our mouths


Drinking ample amounts of water. Water is king. You should be drinking over 2 litres per day. That is unadulterated water. Not including tea, coffee or flavoured waters.

If you’re someone who forgets to drink water, try setting an alarm to go off every hour to remind yourself to have a drink. After a while, it will become apart of your normal habits


Get yourself moving. The great thing about being active is it can come in many forms and just 45 minutes per day is more than enough. The effects on your mind and body are incredible


Eat your vegetables . How many? As many as possible! You should be consuming vegetables with every single meal - yes we believe even breakfast

Have you considered eating steak or a typical dinner type meal for breakfast? Or just vegetables for breakfast, with maybe some poached eggs with avocado? Try it - you might be surprised. What will probably surprise you the most is how good you will feel after it. The healthy fats and protein will help you feel fuller for longer and set you up for the whole day. Your brain is made up of 60% fat which is why it is no surprise it needs a-lot of healthy fats to function properly!


Meditation, reading or any type of positive practices that help you to feel good. Meditation is something, in our opinion, that should be practiced daily. There are many resources available for guided meditation which helps you to understand how to achieve the best results - no one method being right for anyone.

Try downloading a guided meditation app like calm or headspace. Try sitting outside amongst nature for 5 minutes and breathing in the air.


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